Monday, April 20, 2009

A Blast from the past......

Several days ago as I was in the shower with the TV on, I heard a very familiar voice....a blast from the past. One that I had not heard for many, many years. Does anyone besides me remember Tony Orlando and Dawn? I can not remember which night of the week they were on TV, but on that night like clock was special and important to me to see my "friends". I can remember staking out my place in front of the tv and waiting with excitement for the words of the announcer, "Ladies and gentlemen, Tony Orlando and Dawn!" My girls and I never missed this show, and I allowed them to stay up later then usual on that night to watch it. I wonder why this show never made it to reruns. If these shows would be rerun today, I think I would watch them with the same excitement.

What great memories I have of those years and I am greatful to have the chance to relive them, if only briefly, with just the seeing Tony Orlando again, hosting an infomercial for "Love Songs of the 70's. Tony, Thelma and Joyce, I thank you for all the comfort and joy you have given to me through your music and your show and for sharing your wonderful talents with us all.

Tony is a wonderful entertainer and I think he is great. He is electrifying and always had a great big smile on his face! He is so talented in making people feel good and happy. Back then, he always made me smile and feel very happy and lighthearted. His charisma flowed from him like a huge river. When I've watched Tony perform, I've watched "the best in entertainment!" I'll never forget the wonderful shows I've seen or the wonderful songs I've heard from Tony Orlando and Dawn. This group, is in my book, not just singers, but one of the All Time Greats of Entertainers!

If you hear the words, Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree......who else would you think of??????
Other songs: He Don't Love you; Knock Three Times; Sweet Gypsy Rose

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