Hold your babies close to you......Savour the moment, we only have one opportunity to do so!
I remember my Mom saying to me "don't wish your life away, the older you get the faster it goes". Boy was she right!
Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending a FLICA meeting where my daughter was invited to be a guest speaker, promoting her Medical Practice and book, PERMISSION TO MOTHER. As I listened, learned and observed the attendees in the room, discuss: mothering, skin to skin contact with your baby, breast feeding, baby wearing, etc., I realized the significance of this method of "mothering" and thought about all that I had missed out on only because I did not now better.
When I had my babies, at a very young age, my male Dr. had never discussed or promoted breast feeding and right in the hospital I was given bottles and formula. I did not know there was another way. Why would I question doing it any other way? Bottles and babies go together like bacon & eggs or ham & cheese, right?
My point or advice here is really simple. Enjoy your babies and children, every single moment as the years really do pass so quickly. Do not wish away those terrible two's or three's! (If you want to wish away some parenting years it will be better saved for the 14th, 15th 16th and 17th years)
Time, truly goes by in the blink of an eye. I feel like it was only yesterday when I was putting my girls on the school bus for the first day of school and look at them now! I remember clearly, as I am sure most of us remember thinking at some point of time, "parents don't know anything!". If this is the case, then how come we all reach an age where we consider, I would like to be __fill in the blank__years old again, knowing what I know now!
That's really nice...
I am lucky to have a good and tiny extended family!
Love you Mom!
Thanks for attending the meeting and helping me.
Wishing away the 14th, 15th, 16th year... that was funny.
It was only funny because shen wasn't talking about YOUR 14th, 15th and 16th years! :)
great to see photos of the girls (young women) Oh those horrendous teen years - I remember them well...we shared a history didn't we? Still going on unfortunately... Enjoy your blog when I get a chance to spend some time reading them...
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